8 Tips To Wear The Fragrance Of Christ!
We all have an aroma that comes from our hearts. The aroma is similar to an aura or atmosphere that other people can feel and sense spiritually.
We all have an aroma that comes from our hearts. It is the Aroma of our Soul. Or, you can call it the Aroma of Christ that is within us that starts to shine for others to see. The aroma is similar to an aura or atmosphere that other people can feel and sense spiritually.
The healthier we are, the sweeter the atmosphere that surrounds us. In simpler, more practical terms, when we are healthy, our words and behaviors are attractive to other people. “For we are to God the pleasing aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing.” (2 Corinthians 2:15)

2 Corinthians 2:15-16: For we are a fragrance of Christ to God…
As Christians, God wants us to have an attractive fragrance and aroma. The negative emotions that make our aura unattractive can be removed by God’s miraculous healing power. He wants our aroma to smell just like Heaven. He wants people to wonder why we have such an attractive aroma and then crave it too!
Read More: Pain &. Trauma: Does God Love Me?
The Holy Spirit living within us allows us to carry the fragrance of Christ and draw others to our heavenly scent. When God heals us, we become an advertisement of God’s power – We show others that healing is possible. Ephesians 1:19 states, “I pray that you will continually experience the immeasurable greatness of God’s power made available to you through faith. Then your lives will be an advertisement of this immense power as it works through you!“
His power, demonstrated through us, shows others that they can get healed from icky emotions that keep them isolated, stuck, and broken.
Are you wearing the Aroma of Heaven?
Are you wearing the aroma of pain or the aroma of Heaven or pain? Are you letting God into your heart? Which side of the healing process are you on? Either way, you have a great responsibility to seek God’s wisdom and continual healing.
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Aroma of Heaven
In the past, I sought healing and internal health and shamed others who were not at my ‘level’. But God showed me that those prideful thoughts are pollutants to the aroma of Heaven. Now, He often highlights roots of negativity in my heart, which are often the beginning stages of things I have harshly judged in others. The potential for wickedness in my heart is truly horrifying and humbling.
If we are not carrying humility in the gifts God has given us, then we will shame the very people that God wants to invite into His sweetness. In fact, our job is to simply show God’s power by being an example of His healing power. We are not to judge. EVERYONE has their own journey with God that is different. WE are all constantly being healed from wounds and traumas that we had no idea were there. God knows how each person processes pain and how we got to a helpless place and how to get us out. He loves US all the same.
If you want to keep the heavenly scent (fragrance of Christ), you have to keep humility at the forefront of your heart and mind! If you had the same struggles as the person you judge, you might be exactly where they are! From your place of healing, seek to mentor, befriend, love, and pray for others!
Aroma of Pain
Do you find yourself surrounded by darkness and pain? It can be challenging to maintain healthy relationships when you feel rejected, isolated, shamed, voiceless, and misunderstood. These emotions are difficult to deal with, and not something that anyone wants in their life. How can you heal your heart and prevent it from ruining your life?
Firstly, only God can truly heal our hearts and keep our aroma sweet. However, God has also provided helpers such as psychologists, pastors, intercessors, and others to aid us in the healing process. When necessary, seek out these individuals to help you reach a place where you can invite God in.
All of us will need God at some point to renew our hearts so that we can carry the fragrance of Christ.
Read More: Take Control Of Your Anxiety
How to Wear the Fragrance of Christ
Here are some practical steps to change your atmosphere:
- Cultivate a heart that desires to know and understand GOD.
- Practice gratitude. Thank God for what he has done and what he has yet to do.
- Listen to and obey the wisdom provided in the Bible.
- Ask God and others what individual steps you can take on your healing journey.
- Express your emotions through journaling and seek counseling when necessary.
- Memorize bible verses about God’s ability to heal the heart.
- Pray for healing and ask others for prayer support.
- Be patient. God allows the waiting period to prepare us for the next step.
All we have to do is try our best and then wait. When we love God and seek His power, He will heal us in His timing.
“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.” – Matthew 7:7-8
I used to wear the repulsive perfume of pain all the time, but now I’m becoming more aware that I don’t have to settle for it. I have access to the aroma of Heaven. Whenever I feel even the slightest negativity, I ask God confidently to replace my negative perspectives and feelings with His perspective.
Related Article: Waiting Is Painful, But It Prepares Us
Sometimes, He tells me that I have every right to be angry when life happens, but then He gives me spiritual gifts that allow me to remain sweet despite the negativity that tries to pollute my aroma. These gifts include love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control in the spirit.
This world can be harsh, and we need God to heal us constantly. Let’s seek God at the slightest feeling of negativity and prevent a buildup of pain.
I’ve never heard of the aroma of my soul before but this makes sense. Thank you for sharing this perspective. I certainly want to present a beautiful aroma to my Lord.
If we seek God’s help, he will guide us through all our trials. I enjoyed how you compared this to an aroma. Thank you for sharing your views
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