Black History Poetry: Reveal Your Truth!
This poem was inspired by my students. As a middle school teacher, I have seen several students struggle with their identity.
This poem was inspired by my students. As a middle school teacher, I have seen several students struggle with their identity. Most of them just want to be accepted among their peers.
Martin Luther King was determined to get equality.
Rosa Parks was persistent with her decision to sit where she wanted.
Harriet Tubman was fearless when she rescued several people who were trapped under the bondage of slavery.
Barack Obama was focused and didn’t allow terrible rumors to impede his goals.
James Baldwin
Ella Baker
Mohammad Ali
Maya Angelou
Mary McLeod Bethune
Frederick Douglass
Micheal Jordan
Malcom x
Thurgood Marshall
Jackie Robinson
Madam C J Walker
Oprah Winfrey
All these amazing figures chose their identity
And didn’t allow society to change it.
Because of their influence I am able to choose mine.
I am human
Not just African American, or black or brown
For the color of my skin does not define my very existence.
I am equal
To every single person who has ever walked on this earth.
No one may tell me who can and cannot be
No one may measure my abilities
No one will limit my many possibilities.
I am free
And no one may tell me different
I am liberated to think how I want,
Dress to fit my personality,
Eat how my body desires,
Wear my hair the way that it was naturally meant to be.
I am strong
And I will not allow one soul to tell me that I’m wrong,
Both physically and emotionally,
Both mentally and spiritually.
I have the ability to withstand discrimination and racism.
poverty can’t stop me.
Negativity won’t block me.
Even hatred won’t hinder me.
I am bold.
Adversity can’t scare me
Tribulation will not paralyze me.
I am beautiful
In every way possible
Both inside and out
Even if no one else agrees
Beauty is reflected all over me.
My mind is alluring, my soul is pure, my dark brown eyes are dazzling, my thick and kinky hair is appealing, the shape of my nose is delicate, my smile is charming.
And anyone’s objections will be overruled.
I am a believer
And no one can make me change my belief in him.
Like Dr King I sing
I sing the song of liberty and belief
Belief and liberty to be me and no one else.
To be unique and understand the difference between who I am and who I am not
I am not a follower.
I am not afraid to be my own person.
I am not a coward.
I don’t follow trends, I set them.
I will not allow the masks that society has created for me to be placed on my face.
I am not a statistic,
Instead I break them and recreate them.
Martin Luther King was determined to get equality,
Rosa Parks was persistent with her decision to sit where she wanted,
Harriet Tubman was fearless when she rescued several people who were trapped under the bondage of slavery,
Barack Obama was focused and did not allow terrible rumors to impede his goals.
All of these wonderful figures chose their identity and didn’t allow society to change it, so choose yours.
Choose your identity.
Choose who you will be.
But when you do please don’t allow society to change you.
We overcame, so don’t let anyone put you back in chains.