Ever wondered what you bring to the table in friendships and romantic relationships? This quiz will identify your inner superpower!

What are you thinking while taking this quiz?

1. This quiz probably won't reflect all my giftings.
2. I look forward to helping people with my superpower.
3. I can't wait for the results to reveal that I'm as awesome as I think!
4. The results will help me be a better and stronger person!
5. I'm having a good time getting to know myself.

Which statement sounds the most like you?

1. I love to go along with the flow and enjoy the people I love.
2. I'm very aware of what others feel and think.
3. People gravitate towards me and seek out my friendship.
4. I forgive and move on from pain faster than others.
5. I know what could go wrong and how to make things better.

What do you wish to accomplish the most?

1. To inspire and encourage others to be their best selves!
2. To love people and treat them well.
3. To understand life and do things with excellence!
4. To live a moral, honest, and Godly life.

Which word best describes you?

1. Compassionate
2. Wise
3. Adventurous
4. Inspiring
5. Giving

What type of job sounds the most appealing?

1. Training Manager: making sure everything is flowing and working well.
2. CEO: takes credit and blame for everyone accomplishing goals.
3. Morale Builder: ensure that all employees are excited about company goals!
4. Support Manager: I'll do various roles as necessary to help.
5. Hiring Manager: picking the right personalities that will get along with the team.

Which activity sounds more appealing?

1. Learning how to succeed and be a better person!
2. Understanding someone's emotions and behaviors.
3. Meeting new friends with amazing energy!
4. Having a cozy gathering with people you love.
5. Using your voice to make a positive difference!

What emotions do you prefer to feel?

1. Accomplished & Strong
2. Joy & Passion
3. Compassion & Understanding
4. Safe & Secure
5. Peaceful & Relaxed

If you had to sell one item, which one would be easier for you to sell?

1. A family night game.
2. A book.
3. A therapy session.
4. A class on forgiveness.
5. A ticket to an inspirational event.

All 8 questions completed!

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QUIZ: What is your inner POWER?

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