Want to know if you struggle with vanity, self-importance, arrogance, and pride? This quiz will help you decide if you truly are prideful.

Click all the responses that matches how you think or feel. Be honest, the results are private!

1. If people don't take my advice, they'll regret it later.
2. I don't ask for help because it's embarrassing.
3. I'm afraid of what people think of me.
4. If there was something wrong with me, I would see it first and/or fix it.
5. I like to do or say things to ensure people think well of me.
6. I have a hard time being vulnerable and sharing my emotions.
7. I criticize or get jealous of someone that gets more attention.
8. I deserve good things because I work hard and/or pray often.
9. I tend to get annoyed or critical of the flaws in others.
10. I believe people are in pain because they did something wrong.
11. I have a hard time apologizing or admitting wrong doings.
12. I am afraid people will take advantage of my weakness.
13. I barely learn new things from other people.
14. If someone disagrees with me I get upset or frustrated.
15. I have trouble trusting or listening to my leaders.
16. I bring up everything someone has done wrong, when I'm accused.
17. I wouldn't take advice about money from someone poor.
18. I shouldn't have to do certain tasks. I've earned the right not to.
19. I inform people about my accomplishments, connection with important figures, etc.
20. I often date people or have friends that always need my help.
21. I feel like I'm always doing something wrong.
22. If I don't fix a situation who will? I need to make it better.
23. I would never make the same mistakes as some people I see.
24. They are too sensitive or negative if I hurt their feelings.
25. I make the right decisions and preparations, so things will turn out well.
26. I have a hard time complimenting other people.
27. I pretend I'm doing great, when I'm falling apart inside.
28. I put people in categories and rank them by level of success/importance.
29. If I disagree with someone, I assume their opinion is wrong because they're overly emotional or flawed.
30. I have trouble letting God help fix my relationships or difficult situations.

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QUIZ: Am I prideful?

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