Prayers For Relationships_ How to Put God at the Center of Your Relationship

4 Prayers For Relationships To Keep God At The Center

Get powerful Prayers For Relationships along with practical tips on How to Put God at the Center of Your Relationships so that they will stand strong.

Get powerful prayers along with practical tips on how to prioritize and put God in the center of relationships so that they will stand strong.

All relationships are a gift from God, be it family, friends, or spouses. We were not created to go through life without human interaction. However, romantic ones are a bit more special because we choose to, or are about to choose to go through our entire lives with the other person and they play a huge role in who we become. That’s why our marriages and dating are so important to God, even more than they are to us.

Prayers in a relationship are how we involve God in them. Life is a long journey with many obstacles. Who better to guide you and your partner through difficulties than the Giver of life Himself?  

For Him to be at the steering wheel of a union, you can’t downplay the role of prayer as well as other important steps of involvement.  This article will give you tips on how to have a godly dating or marriage relationship, as well as a few prayers to start with.

How to Put God at the Center of Your Relationship

1. Strengthen your walk with God.

The relationship work starts with you. You can’t put someone you have no communion with at the helm of something as important as your relationship.

 First of all, get to know Him better by spending more time with Him in prayer, studying His word, and doing what He says in it. That way, you can confidently know what He wants from your union with your partner and run with it.

2. Love God first before your partner.

This is so important because if both you and your partner love God before each other, He will always be put at the center of your union. 

Be careful not to love Him in words alone, but take time to fall in love with His love for you by building your relationship with Him first. God wants to be first in your life and putting anything above Him is synonymous with idolatry.

3. Develop the fear of God.

In romantic relationships, it’s easy to get carried away by emotions and do things that God wouldn’t be proud of. The best way to avoid falling into temptations like that and ensure He is in the center of your union as a couple is to develop the fear of God. 

It keeps us from sins like fornication, adultery, etc.,not because we are afraid we would get punished by Him but because we wouldn’t want to do anything that hurts Him. Keeping away from sin because of the fear of God is actually because of deep and undying love for Him.

4. Pray for each other.

This can’t be stressed enough. We fall more deeply in love with three kinds of people; who we pray to (which is God), who we pray for, and who we pray with. 

Praying for your partner not only strengthens your relationship but makes the both of you better in all aspects of life. As the spiritual realm is the more prominent one, it is the best way to support and hold each other up physically.

5. Pray together.

A certain saying goes “a family that prays together, stays together“. No matter the barriers, make sure to pray with each other in the morning to start your day and at night too. Even with different schedules, you can make use of the best prayer apps and utilize them to set times when you both can pray during the day.

6. Study God’s Word together.

This helps you grow your faith together and spend quality time with each other simultaneously. You should also apply scriptures like 1 Corinthians 13, which is the biblical guideline for love. It strengthens your union as well as helps God be at the center of your relationship.

7. Help each other grow in your relationship with God.

Never try to provoke or even judge the other person’s weaknesses, but try to help them overcome them. Put God first in your marriage or dating, not your own pride. 

Be one another’s accountability partners in your walk with Him and support each other’s pursuit of Him. Always seek counsel from spiritually mature believers like your pastors/mentors. 

They will give you God-centered advice, and also let you in on their wealth of experience with similar stumbling blocks when it comes to the issue of love and dating.

Prayers For Relationships

1. Prayer To Put God At The Center Of Relationship.

Most High Lord, today I need your support. We want to give you glory and adore you always my Lord, that in our union there is no lack of daily exalting of your Name, prayer in pairs and alone, or full confidence in your purposes.

You are the father who always cares about each of his children without exception and you celebrate the love that unites in the lives of two people. I ask you with my heart in my hands for my relationship, so every day we can improve in unison with You.

I ask you to help us always recognize that you are the source of all our hope so that no matter what we do not hesitate and continue by your side until the end. Teach us never to place You below our relationship.


2. Prayer For The Love In A Relationship.

Dear Father,

Take care of this love that you have sown between us, do not let any person or anything interfere with your wonderful plan. Well, day by day helps us to ensure that our union is founded on You, on your Word, which is the only truth.

Take away all the prejudice that wants to torment our relationship. Keep rancor, envy, and bad intentions away from our lives. Turn all this into the love and sweetness that characterizes you.

I ask you to give us calm and empathy when problems arise between us so that we let ourselves be carried away by bad thoughts and thus not act on impulse. Teach us to treat each other with your love, to always be patient even if we are angry, so as not to leave wounds that will later be difficult to heal.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

3. Prayer of Gratitude For Your Relationships.

Wonderful God, 

I thank you so much for your faithfulness presented in the gifts you give me. I feel very grateful because you surround my life with the people I love the most, for giving me the treasure of friendship, and for my family because we remain united in understanding, love, and patience even in my moments of frustration.

Today, I want to thank you for the gift you put in my life, for that partner or partner in life that while waiting for my prayer, you placed in my existence so that together we can serve you and love you more. Thank you for his life Lord and thank you for everything. I love you, Lord.


4. Prayer To Commit Your Relationship To God.

Heavenly Father,

Thank you that you are our creator, you know us better than anyone else. You brought us together and you have promised that you have plans and a purpose for us, plans to prosper us and not to harm us.

We commit this relationship into your hands and put you at the wheel of it. Remind us constantly that you are the center of our relationship and that you are the One who watches over our future. May we look to you for wisdom and guidance. May your peace, which surpasses all understanding, guard our hearts and our minds in Christ Jesus. Amen.


Relationships are more wholesome when they are God-centered. He gives us the grace to get through hard times, helps us fulfill our purpose on earth, strengthens us, and fills out hearts with fulfillment.

If your relationship has not had God at the center up till now, it’s never too late to start. God is always more than willing to come in, guide you through life and give you peace.

Prayers For Relationships HOW To Keep God At The Center

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Post Author:

Best Daily Prayers


Date Posted:

September 18, 2022

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