What is this about? Adorned Heart is proud to host a prayer group for women, focusing on strengthening faith, community, and intimacy with God.
Who can join? This is a non-denominational group with women of diverse Christian origins. We ask that you join only if you’re comfortable praying with women who may have different theological views on things like tongues, spiritual gifts, spiritual warfare, etc.
When do we meet? We meet on ZOOM every:
- 2nd and 4th Sundays, 5:30p Eastern Time (The next groups are November 10th and 24th.)
- 1st and 3rd Thursdays, 7:00p Eastern Time ( The next groups are November 7th and 21st. )
Zoom Login Information
Sign -up below and you will received zoom login info.
Automated Reminders:
If you’d like to receive a bi-weekly email reminder to sign into the Zoom call, you can sign up for that by clicking one of the following link options below:
Thursday Reminders
Get 2 biweekly (4 monthly ) reminders for Thursday sessions by clicking HERE.
Sunday Reminders
Get 2 biweekly (4 monthly ) reminders for Sunday sessions by clicking HERE.
- Hope to see you there! xoxo Christina