43 Self Love Journal Prompts + Affirmations [PDF]
A self love technique is writing from self love journal prompts! Also, reading self love affirmations can help you boost low self esteem!
How often do you explore your inner world and outer world to see how they are empowering you to live your BEST LIFE. People that don’t take time to practice self-care and nurture their self-esteem often struggle with negative thoughts or negative people in their circles.
Usually, we aren’t even aware of our harmful behaviors and thoughts. Are you? Take out your journal and sit in quiet or with relaxing music.
Let these questions guide you into enlightenment and healing. Write down all your feelings and thoughts as you read the questions! The truth is, the more self-awareness you have is the more you can put a stop to self-hate.

Self Love Journal Prompts
- List ten things you like about yourself.
- Why is self love important for your life?
- What is the best compliment you ever received?
- What do you wish you believed about yourself?
- Do you often say yes before considering if you’re tired or have things to do?
- Do you save some of your energy for yourself?
- Do you treat others better than yourself?
- Do you get mad when others don’t love you in the way you want?
- Do you respect your opinions even when others don’t agree? Take this quiz to determine if you feel heard.
- Do the people in your life like to grow? Or, do they keep making the same hurtful mistakes?
- Do you forgive yourself when you make mistakes?
- Why do people enjoy being around you?
- What is your inner POWER? How does that impact your life?
- Do you know how to receive love? How do you receive love?
- Do you feel misunderstood or unheard?
- What would you fix about yourself and why?
- Do you have high self-esteem? Do You Love Yourself?
- Can you embrace your femininity well?
- Are you kind to yourself? How so?
- If you could change something about yourself what would it be?
- What is your biggest fear? Why?
- What is something you would like to change in the world?
- What makes you the most excited?
- What could you do right now to spice up your life?
- What do you regret the most? Why?
- Do you trust your gut to guide you in life?
- Do you have anyone to listen to you? OR, comfort you?
- Do you wish someone noticed the things you do?
- Do you feel safe with people? Why or Why not?
- In what environment do you feel the most peaceful in?
Download Journal Prompt Printables
You can DOWNLOAD these printable journal prompts by clicking here to view the file. The printable journal also includes pages of affirmations you can print, cut, and use! A larger and fuller version of the journal will be on sale soon.
Related Article: 5 Secrets To Feeling Loved Daily!
How can we practice self-love?
Everyday, make it a point to practice self-love by recognizing the good aspects about yourself. Don’t wait for someone to compliment you, unabashedly look in the mirror and point out what you like.
Positive affirmations for self love are important to rewire your mind to think positively. There are 10 powerful statements to help you to have new perspectives and attitudes towards life. The truth is, we often cause our own low self-esteem by continuing in old harmful patterns.
The meaning of self love is the amount of attention, love, care, and consideration you give to yourself. Do you love yourself? If you don’t know you can take this self-love quiz or these other personality quiz questions for deeper self awareness and growth.
Will you choose to start fresh? Will you replace your negative self-talk with positive self-love affirmations to heal and grow in self-confidence?
43 Self-love Affirmations:
#1 I am amazing and I don’t have to be afraid of shining!
#2 I am not selfish. Self love is not selfish.
#3 I am irreplaceable and people miss me when I’m not there.
#4 I am a winner and I will achieve great things.
#5 I am lovable and fun to be around.
#6 I am a magnet for the blessings of God.
#7 I need to love myself! Because, I am the only one I can control!
#8 I have a voice and I have an opinion that is worthy of listening to.
#9 I deserve to have people in my life that understand, love, and respect me!
#10 I am allowed to make mistakes.
#11 I will attract fun people into my life.
#12 I am blessed and expect good things to happen.
#13 I am fearless and I will take brace steps into my destiny.
#14 I am comfortable being different.
#15 I have supportive people in my circle of friends.
#16 I am making progress everyday.
#17 I am a valuable part of my circle of friends.
#18 I will consider myself before saying yes to things!
#19 I will not exhaust myself for others and leave no energy for myself!
#20 I can do things to make myself happy! Self love is the best love.
#21 I deserve to take time for myself so I can be healthy and happy! Love yourself before loving others.
#22 I am sexy and men notice me.
#23 I love the way I ___________ (insert here.)
#24 People can’t help but notice the way I ______________ (insert here.)
#25 I am good at my job.
#26 I am a good friend and I don’t have to prove it.
#27 I will attract healed people into my life.
#28 I am chosen by God for great things.
#29 I am worthy of respect and kindness.
#30 I have the power to remove mean people from my life.
#31 I am worthy of having people that apologize in my life.
#32 My opinion are worthy of respect.
#33 My opinions and thoughts are worthy of respect.
#34 I will have more fun and seek opportunities to laugh more.
#35 I will not give when I’m empty and I’m falling apart. I will refill my love tank.
#36 I will heal before I try to heal others.
#37 I will seek free empowerment coaching when I’m down!
#38 I can conquer anything, so I won’t focus on the obstacles.
#39 I will be victorious even when I make mistakes.
#40 I am good at my job and I’m a valuable part of the team.
#41 I am loved by the people in my life.
#42 People think about me when I’m not there.
#43 I bring a smile to people’s faces.
Additional Affirmations:
- 55 Financial Affirmations for Success, Abundance, and Money!
- 59 Affirmations for Anxiety
- 57 Affirmations for Strength (Alpha Females)
- 75 Affirmations for Emotional Release & Healing
- 62 Positive Bible Affirmations For Women
- 55 Biblical Affirmations to Endure Hardships
Do self-love affirmations work?
Yes! Affirmations for self love and healing work by changing the way that you think about yourself. Instead of nit-picking at everything you consider “wrong” about yourself, you will start to focus on all the positives with these daily reminders. Eventually, it will become more natural.