Esther in the Bible Characteristics
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12 Character Traits of Esther in the Bible

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The story of Esther in the Bible portrays the true essence and characteristics of a queen. Esther, raised by her cousin Mordecai, heeded his counsel and eventually married the powerful Persian king Ahasuerus. Unlike his previous wife, Queen Vashti, Esther likely captivated him not just with her beauty, but with her inner strength and grace.

The Bible teaches us that true beauty lies within. As 1 Peter 3:3-4 reminds us, “Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and gold jewelry or fine clothes. Rather, it should come from your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight.” This inner beauty, evident in Esther’s demeanor, would become the foundation of her remarkable story.

Esther, the courageous queen from the Book of Esther, is a powerful example of faith and resilience. Let’s explore some of the key character traits of Esther in the bible:

1. Queen Esther was Devoted to God

Queen Esther’s dedication to God is evident throughout her story. Despite marrying King Ahasuerus, who was not Jewish, she trusted in God’s plan. In Esther 4:16, she shows her faith by asking Mordecai and the Jews in Susa to fast for three days and nights. Esther and her attendants fasted too, preparing spiritually before she approached the king. She risked her life to plead for her people, saying, “if I perish, I perish,” showing her unwavering faith in God’s control and her willingness to fulfill her purpose, even though marrying a Persian king was not the usual or ideal choice for a devout woman.

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2. Queen Esther was Obedient and Submissive: 

Esther respected authority. She obeyed Mordecai (her cousin who raised her) and others, demonstrating her submission to both while also advocating for her people.

In Esther 2:20, she followed Mordecai’s advice to keep her Jewish background secret, showing her loyalty to him. In Esther 2:15, she followed Hegai’s instructions when preparing to meet the king, demonstrating her obedience to the king’s officials. Esther’s actions reflect her respect for authority figures like Mordecai and her readiness to comply with the protocols of the royal court, all while advocating for her people’s welfare.

3. Queen Esther was Faithful to God and People: 

Queen Esther showed her loyalty to God and her people by never forgetting her Jewish roots, even while living a rich life. In Esther 4:14, Mordecai tells Esther that if she doesn’t speak up to the king, God will find another way to save the Jews, but Esther and her family will suffer. He suggests that perhaps she became queen for this exact moment.

Esther’s willingness to risk her life to talk to King Ahasuerus, despite the danger, shows her strong belief in God’s plan and her loyalty to her people. Her actions reveal her faithfulness to both God and her Jewish heritage, even in the midst of her comfortable royal life.

Esther 4:14: “‘And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?'”

4. Queen Esther had Radiant Beauty: 

More than just physical attractiveness, Esther possessed an inner beauty that shone through. The Bible suggests her kindness, humility, and other positive qualities (fruits of the spirit) made her radiant and more attractive.

Esther 2:17: “Now the king was attracted to Esther more than to any of the other women, and she won his favor and approval more than any of the other virgins. So he set a royal crown on her head and made her queen instead of Vashti.”

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5. Queen Esther was Courageous: 

Facing death, Esther displayed immense courage. Esther risked her life because it was against the law to see King Ahasuerus without being asked. Despite the danger, she went to him without an invitation to beg for her people, the Jews, who were in serious trouble because of a decree to destroy them by Haman. Esther’s bravery in risking her life showed her strong faith and determination to save her people, trusting in God to guide and protect her. Her courageous choice makes her a fearless and selfless leader in the Bible’s story of rescue.

Esther 4:15-16: “Then Esther sent this reply to Mordecai: ‘Go, gather together all the Jews who are in Susa, and fast for me. Do not eat or drink for three days, night or day. I and my attendants will fast as you do. When this is done, I will go to the king, even though it is against the law. And if I perish, I perish.”

6. Queen Esther was Feminine: 

Esther’s femininity wasn’t just about softness. She strategically used her charm, tact, and vulnerability to influence the king, showcasing her intelligence and cunning.

Esther 5:4 shows how clever Queen Esther was in talking to the king. She starts by being polite and respectful, saying she hopes the king is happy with her idea (“If it pleases the king”). Then, she invites the king and Haman to a special dinner she made. This was a smart move because it created a good atmosphere to talk about serious things later. Esther knew this dinner would give her a chance to use her charm and influence over the king. She waited for the right moment to bring up the important topic of saving her people. This shows Esther’s bravery in planning carefully to help her people, even though it was risky for her.

Esther 5:4: “If it pleases the king,” replied Esther, “let the king, together with Haman, come today to a banquet I have prepared for him.”

7. Queen Esther had a Regal Demeanor: 

Queen Esther wasn’t just beautiful, she carried herself like a true queen. Unlike some who might barge in or act with a sense of entitlement, Esther displayed calmness and respect. The Bible tells us she stood “in the inner court” (Esther 5:2) instead of rushing forward. This showed the king that she understood her place within the royal order and wasn’t arrogant or rebellious. It also highlighted her good manners and self-control. This display of dignity likely impressed the king, and the unexpectedness of her arrival might have even sparked his curiosity.

8. Queen Esther was Balanced

Esther showed both boldness and gentleness, which are crucial for female rulers, especially in the past. As queen, she courageously approached the king to protect her people, risking her life. At the same time, she maintained a gentle and respectful demeanor as a wife and female leader in a society where men held more power. This balance helped Esther navigate her role effectively, using her influence wisely while respecting traditional expectations. Her ability to blend strength and grace highlighted her leadership and played a key role in saving the Jewish community.

9. Queen Esther had Strategic Timing: 

Esther’s courage wasn’t just about facing death. She also displayed remarkable strategic timing. The Bible tells us she waited “on the third day” (Esther 4:14) before approaching the king. This suggests careful planning and preparation. 

She positioned herself strategically within the palace, ensuring the king would see her. More importantly, she chose a moment when the king seemed relaxed and receptive, evidenced by him being “seated on his royal throne” (Esther 4:14). By waiting for the right opportunity and using a respectful approach, Esther maximized her chances of a successful audience with the king.

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10. Queen Esther was Favored by God: 

The text suggests God’s favor was upon Esther. She was chosen as queen and given the opportunity to save her people. This favor wasn’t just about beauty, but about her character and alignment with God’s will.

Esther 7:3: “Then Queen Esther answered, ‘If I have found favor with you, Your Majesty, and if it pleases you, grant me my life—this is my petition. And spare my people—this is my request.'”

11. Queen Esther was Compassionate

Queen Esther showed great compassion for her people, whom she loved deeply. In Esther 8:3, when she had the chance to ask King Ahasuerus for something, she pleaded with him with tears, begging him to stop Haman’s evil plan against the Jews. This heartfelt plea demonstrates Esther’s strong emotional bond and concern for her people’s safety, highlighting her deep compassion and willingness to risk everything for their sake.

Esther 8:3: “Esther again pleaded with the king, falling at his feet and weeping. She begged him to put an end to the evil plan of Haman the Agagite, which he had devised against the Jews.”

12. Queen Esther was Appreciative:

Esther was thankful to Mordecai for his guidance as she grew up, obeying him by keeping her Jewish identity secret (Esther 2:10, 20). She showed her gratitude by risking her life to ask King Ahasuerus to save her people, believing it was what God wanted (Esther 4:14).

When the Jews were saved, Esther and her people were very happy and thankful, celebrating their rescue with joy and honor (Esther 8:16). This celebration showed how grateful they were and how important Esther’s actions were in saving them. Her story teaches us about gratitude, faith, and bravery in following God’s plan.

In conclusion, the qualities of Esther in the Bible paint a portrait of remarkable strength and unwavering faith. More than just a beautiful queen, Esther possessed a powerful combination of devotion to Godobedienceradiant beautycouragestrategic thinking, and balanced leadership.

She navigated a challenging world with compassion and appreciation, demonstrating her favor with God. Esther’s story serves as a timeless reminder that the qualities embodied in the Bible – faith, courage, wisdom, and a heart aligned with God’s will – can empower us to overcome even the most daunting obstacles.

Christina Daniels is the founder of Adorned Heart. She is devoted to learning about human behavior and its affects on society. She received a B.A. in Psychology and M.A. in Public Policy. She hopes to use her life and academic experience to empower & heal the hearts of women!

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