15+ Couples Valentine’s Day Ideas!
These romantic ideas are for couples that are social distancing, long distance, or wanting a date night in the comfort of their OWN home!
Valentine’s day is special for couples and that shouldn’t change whether you are long distance, social distancing, or experiencing any other abnormal situation. Try these ideas if you want to spruce up the fun in your relationship while being mindful of distance, germs, and love!
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BE SELFLESS: This is BEST gift you can give. Try to make this day about your partner. If your partner likes action movies you can watch their favorite. Or, if they like Italian make them their favorite. They’ll feel so loved and you’ll be the BEST partner ever.
YouTUBED Painting Class
You can either go on your local activities on Groupon to find a painting with a twist package. But, if you are serious about social distancing or you’re miles apart…. you can order your own painting supplies and make your painting on ZOOM! There are painting lessons on YOUTUBE that you can both follow along from the comfort of your OWN home!!! Or, you can do this activity socially distanced!
Movie Night In
You can both watch the same movie and have a meal (and some wine if you’re feeling for bubbly). If you are doing this together, you can make the meal together before watching the movie… It’ll be so fun! If you are long distance or social distancing, you can either make the meal together via ZOOM. Or, you can order delicious meals from the same or different restaurants. You can make this really fun by surprising each other with unique foods, etc.
Couple Games
It’s always fun to play a some games! How about you try these digital game ideas if you are long distance. You can do these online trivia games for couples if you are next to each other as well. Feel free to invite any couple friends into your digital or physical experience.
Married? You can sweeten the deal by giving the winner something that’s romantic ;).
Games you can purchase: After Dinner Amusements: Truth or Dare, LOOPY – Date Night Box – Improve Communication and Relationships, OUR MOMENTS Couples: 100 Thought Provoking Conversation Starters, and Spouse-Ology- the Couples Game With Hilarious Questions – Perfect for Newlyweds!
Romantic Picnic
If you aren’t wanting to go to a packed restaurant this is the PERFECT time to try that picnic you have always wanted to. Pack yours and his favorite foods. It’ll be so fun. Here are some ideas to plan a romantic picnic for two.
Milestones Jars for Crafty Couples
Are you and your partner artsy and sentimental? This would be a great gift. Grab a mason jar and fill it with milestones of your relationship starting on Valentine’s Day and then continue throughout the year. Each Valentines’ day or anniversary you can review all the milestones you’ve hit in your relationship!
Scavenger Hunt Care Package
The goal of this activity is to see who can get the most items from the list. You and your partner should come up with a list of hints of things you want. You will send your partner clues about what each thing is, but not the actual item name. Hint Example: If I’m hungry why wait for it? (Answer: Snickers) Or, you can try these 33 virtual scavenger hunt ideas. Before making the list, determine how many things each of you should put on the list. Also, be mindful that if you’re long distance, you want to request things that won’t spoil or be damaged as it is delivered. Then, each person will set out to make each other’s dreams come true. On Valentine’s Day you can both decided how close you made it to the hint. I’ll let you both decide on the prize *wink* Wink*
Experience Another Country Together
You can cook a meal from another country (Or, order in.) Then, watch a movie that also showcases the culture.
Read It Together
Are you both book nerds? How about you read a book together and discuss how fascinating you both find it!
Road Trip?!
If you both are nature adventure types… Try getting in the card and taking a wild adventure to something unique near you. It’ll be fun. Stop at the whole in the wall restaurants that are starved for customers!
Three Course Fancy Meal
If you are both together you can watch a how to make a meal on YOUTUBE and make something fancy. You can also do this separately! Here is a $14 fancy date night dinner at home. But, search through YouTUBE and you’ll find some amazing options! And to spice up the night get dressed up all fancy so you can admired each other as you cook!
Couples Bubble Bath
Get the things you need and some nice silky night attire to roll around in bed with after. You’ll be so relaxed you’ll fall asleep in each others arms.
Couples Massage
Release the tension you are both feeling when you take turns giving each other massages. This is a great treat to add with a nice romantic dinner. It’ll be so relaxing and low stress to put together.
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