9+ Christian Books For Marriage & Dating!
I have complied a list of good Christian books for dating, marriage, and relationships. Learn to have healthy relationships with yourself, others, and watch your relationship bloom!
Some of my favorite authors and speakers are listed in this collection of Christian books for relationships, marriage, and dating. To be honest, It is very hard for a book or speaker to capture my attention. I enjoy speakers that are to the point, have a unique perspective, and give sound biblical advice.
Overall, any Christian books for relationships will help you to understand that marriage is HARD work. Also, Christian books for marriage should prepare you by making you aware that successful marriages involve people that are completely selfless! (Also, here is another list of 7+ Tear-Jerking Christian Gifts for Women!)
Toure Roberts
Toure Roberts is a pastor in L.A. He has a story of being a divorcee that found true love in God and Sarah Jakes Roberts. His transition to a healthy marriage meant getting emotional wellness. Wholeness: Winning in Life from the Inside Out – This book explores your emotional wellbeing and how God wants to make you healthy. The more healthy you are… Means the better relationships you can have!
Christina Daniels
The author Christina Daniels, is me. You can read sections of my website for the emotional healing needed to find and keep Mr. Right! You can read: The Single Girls’ Guide to Finding Real Love OR Removing Emotional Scars To Improve Your Relationships!
Bishop T.D. Jakes
Bishop T.D. Jakes is my favorite speaker. I could gush about him for hours. He takes the Bible and explains it in such a no-nonsense and practical way. He has been walking with the Lord for 30+ years and has been through almost everything possible to mankind. His teachings are applicable to any place you are in life.
- He—motions – This book is a good read for Christian women whether you are single, married, and/or raising powerful sons. It Is always a good idea to understand the psychology of men and pressures that a man feels in this world. Gaining the male perspective has helped me to speak with men and understand their emotional shortcomings, despite their trust and vulnerability issues.
- The Crushing – This book will help you understand that Christianity and Christian relationships are not a cake walk and it involves struggle, pain, and disappointments. He gives examples of his own personal journey to success and how God used the worst moments of his life to prepare him for what was to come.
Joyce Myers
Joyce Myers is also one of my favorite speakers. Her life story is what really makes her messages inspirational. She grew up in a toxic environment where her father sexually abused her. Her experiences leak into every message and book she writes. She helps women leave painful emotions and embrace internal healing. Because of her own emotional journey while in marriage, she speaks to the many issues that arise in marriage and gives practical tips that any Christian can follow to see God transform your relationship. She presents the gospel in a simple, no-nonsense approach. She doesn’t fluff up her messages with unneeded and unwanted information.
- Battlefield of the Mind – It might be a good idea to clean out your mind so you can be healthy enough to have a good relationship.
- Help! I’m Married! – Joyce had the hardest time being married. Listen to her as she declutters her mind and heart to let love in.
Meagan Good & DeVon Franklin
Meagan & DeVon wrote The Wait: A Powerful Practice for Finding the Love of Your Life and the Life You Love! This book documents the journey of when they first started dating and the type of work they had to put in. This is a GREAT book that demonstrates real love waits for sex and doesn’t cross emotional boundaries.
Bob Goff
Bob Goff is such an amazing person. He reminds me how our Childlike innocence and creativity can help transform the world. His message is simple, “Love Always” and “Love Everybody Always”. But, His book gives practical examples of times when he has loved people in their darkest moments. From the homeless to widows dying of cancer.
- Love Does & Everybody Always – reminds us that you should love everyone around you. The more you love is the more that you experience happiness in life. Whether married or dating, don’t forget their is a world full of people waiting to be loved. When it is your goal to love others as a couple you have a shared bond and vision that will bring satisfaction to your relationship.
Danny Silk
Danny Silk is focused on loving people and bringing them to repentance in a healthy christ-centered way. He focuses on the Gospel of Christ – That he died to cleanse us of our sins and bring us into perfection.
- Unpunishable – There will be plenty of times in your relationship where you need to forgive. Will you punish your partner? Will they punish you? This christian book explores the mindset that most christian have, “God punishes us when we do wrong.” The book seeks to strip away this lie and replace it with practical techniques to manage sin. It also shed light on God’s heart since the beginning of creation – “Bring humanity back to love and purity.”
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