- Christina Daniels|September 26, 2019|dating, love, Men, Singleness| 3 comments on 4 Ways To Attract The Right Man!|
There are four core areas you can work on to attract and keep the right type of man in your life.
- Naida Alcime|July 14, 2019|dating, love, Singleness, toxic relationships| 0 comments on How to Avoid Toxic Relationships When You’re Drunk in Love|
Her words were short and direct. “Naida, slow down! You’ve just met him. You don’t know him. Chill.”
- Christina Daniels|June 19, 2019|dating, love, Men, toxic relationships| 2 comments on 4 Reasons You Are Dating The Wrong Men!|
The reasons you are stuck in toxic patterns are complex [...]
- Christina Daniels|November 16, 2018|dating, love, marriage, toxic relationships| 0 comments on 5 Ways To Avoid Unhealthy Romantic Expectations|
Are you in love with the idea of romance or the perfect mate? I was and I didn't even know it!
- Christina Daniels|November 16, 2018|dating, healing, love, marriage| 0 comments on Conditional vs. Unconditional LOVE: What does it mean?|
Love is a gift that cannot be earned. Love is given to someone when they deserve and don't deserve your affections.
- Christina Daniels|July 18, 2018|dating, friendship, love, marriage| 0 comments on 2 Keys to Stop Thinking Negatively and Think Positive About Others!|
If you are human, I'm sure you have struggled with negative thoughts about the others in your life or vice-versa. This article will give you tools to avoid misunderstandings and communicate better.
- Christina Daniels|July 17, 2018|dating, love, marriage, Men| 0 comments on 7 Secrets on How To Romance A Man!|
Thought your relationship would be romantic? It's not? Relationship expectations hurt! Healthy relationships are geared to teaching each other and fixing relationship problems!
- Christina Daniels|June 30, 2018|beauty, faith, featured, healing, love, self-love| 3 comments on 8 Tips To Wear The Fragrance Of Christ!|
We all have an aroma that comes from our hearts. The aroma is similar to an aura or atmosphere that other people can feel and sense spiritually.
- Christina Daniels|May 14, 2018|dating, faith, friendship, healing, love, marriage, strength| 1 comment on Trust is Earned: 8 Steps To Building Trust!|
Relationships can be intimidating. Often, people are afraid of getting [...]
- Christina Daniels|May 9, 2018|dating, faith, healing, love, self-love, strength| 6 comments on 6 Reasons to Wait On God Despite Pain|
Even if it looks IMPOSSIBLE, if you trust in your GOD he will be good to you!