- Christina Daniels|October 18, 2020|dating, healing, love, marriage| 0 comments on 5 Secrets for Healthy Christian Relationships!|
A healthy Christian relationship uses these 4 secret tips for success! Relationships were meant to be a taste of heaven.
- Christina Daniels|October 11, 2020|healing, strength| 2 comments on Am I An Empath? 25 Tips + Test!|
Can you feel the emotions of others without them saying anything? Take the empath test to find out!
- Christina Daniels|September 28, 2020|healing, self-love| 0 comments on Self-Esteem Test: 10 Signs You’re Insecure!|
Self-esteem is important for confidence, healthy relationships, and achieving your goals. Take this quiz now to see if you have high or low self-worth.
- Christina Daniels|September 25, 2020|dating, friendship, healing, marriage, self-love, toxic relationships| 0 comments on Am I Codependent? Quiz + Codependency Recovery Tips!|
There are 30 traits of codependency. Take the quiz to find out -- Am I codependent? Am I in a codependent relationship? Start recovery now!
- Christina Daniels|August 5, 2020|healing, self-love, toxic relationships| 2 comments on 7 Quizzes to Find Out Am I Toxic?|
Ever wondered if you struggle with toxic behaviors? This quiz and collection of resources will help you heal.
- Christina Daniels|August 2, 2020|Bible Study, faith, healing| 10 comments on 10 Biblical Steps to Crucify the Flesh!|
Dying to our SELFISH flesh is hard. But, the spirit helps crucify your flesh, so that we can walk in the power of righteousness and self-control.
- Christina Daniels|August 1, 2020|Affirmations, healing, self-love, strength| 0 comments on 43 Self Love Journal Prompts + Affirmations [PDF]|
A self love technique is writing from self love journal prompts! Also, reading self love affirmations can help you boost low self esteem!
- Christina Daniels|July 23, 2020|dating, healing, health, love, self-love, strength| 13 comments on Empowerment Coaching: First 20 Minutes Free!|
At the end of our sessions, you'll realize that you have a special unique energy. And, nothing can break you if you tap into how powerful you are.
- Christina Daniels|July 15, 2020|healing, love, marriage, self-love, Singleness, toxic relationships| 0 comments on 10 Emotional Needs That Destroy Relationships!|
Meeting emotional needs are important for self-care and self-love. When you operate on empty you are more likely to trigger or destroy your relationships.
- Christina Daniels|April 18, 2020|faith, healing, self-love, strength| 54 comments on 7 Causes of Pride: How to be More Humble!|
The truth is, pride is rooted in deep insecurity, fear, and unworthiness. Fix the deep seeded problems and you fix the pride.