Christina Daniels
- Christina Daniels|May 29, 2022|Affirmations, friendship, self-love| 0 comments on 100+ Affirmations to Attract + Keep Long Lasting Friendships|
You can develop deeper friendships using these affirmations to develop your confidence that you deserve amazing people in your life.
- Christina Daniels|May 29, 2022|faith, Prayer, Uncategorized| 0 comments on 12 Prayers for the Month of June|
It's time to grab hold of your authority in the month of June prayers. The truth is, YOU are destined to do amazing things.
These prayers will put you on the path to deliverance from narcissism. Then you can selflessly fulfill the great commission to love others as yourself.
- Christina Daniels|May 13, 2022|faith| 37 comments on 12 Benefits of Waiting Upon the Lord + Scriptures|
The benefits of waiting upon the Lord are increased supernatural strength and stamina. At the end of your journey, you will be unstoppable.
You're called to walk in miracles, signs, and wonders! These 12 benefits of The Holy Spirit will help you live a righteous and powerful life.
Prayers for deliverance are powerful when Jesus Christ's finish work on the cross is at the center of your ideology. His blood is enough.
- Christina Daniels|April 28, 2022|Prayer| 3 comments on 15+ Prayers for the Month of May + Scriptures|
In May, it's time for believers to bear abundantly good fruit. Let's start praying in the month of may to hunger and thirst for righteous fruit!
- Christina Daniels|April 8, 2022|toxic relationships| 0 comments on 13 Causes of Toxic Communication in Relationships|
Toxic communication in relationships happen when emotions and pain are shared in a passive, aggressive, and passive-aggressive manner.
- Christina Daniels|March 25, 2022|faith, Prayer| 0 comments on 13 Powerful Prayers for the Month of April|
In April, let's focus on thanking God for the SUDDENLY, SWIFTLY, and IMPOSSIBLE release of God's blessings!
- Christina Daniels|March 16, 2022|toxic relationships| 0 comments on 10 Pearls for Finding Peace after a Toxic Relationship|
Finding peace after a toxic relationship requires removing shameful thoughts and false blame which will allow you to create a solid foundation for joy to thrive in your life.