4 Biblical Secrets To Discern God’s Voice
God hears our prayers and he speaks to us through the Bible, dreams, a still small voice, and everyday situations. God is always speaking but we aren't always able...
My personal journey to discern the voice of God has been an interesting one, that has given me deeper revelation on scriptures. While growing closer to God, I heard the audible voice of God. This happen while I was questioning and desiring to knowing if God was real. I kept praying for him to reveal himself to me.
One day while waiting for someone to pick me up, I started worry then I began to pray. I heard God say, “If I didn’t make you wait, you wouldn’t have prayed. Make sure you pray from now on.” This was a monumental moment in my walk with God. I had to grow in my ability to pray consistently, but this word also reminds me that praying is a powerful strategy even when things seem “silent” or “impossible”. You can watch my YouTube Video explaining more of my testimony: Is God Real? by clicking here!
After I heard God’s voice booming loudly and audibly, I never heard it the same again. After this experience, I learned to hear God and discern the voice of God in different cool ways: A still small voice, through dreams, through situations, through the Bible, wisdom, and wise counsel.
I have not arrived to perfection in this journey. In the chaotic moments of my life, just like anyone else, I sometimes wonder: Am I hearing God’s Voice? Is God real? Is he good? Or does he cares about me? I have had to navigate the same struggle as others in hearing God’s voice. Now, after 10 years I can confidently say I’m at a place of more understanding. I’m still learning, but I have so much wisdom and advice to offer you.
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How to Hear God’s Voice
Here are 6 steps to help you hear God’s voice more clearly:
1. Read the Bible: the Bible is filled with His words and thoughts. God doesn’t break any promises he declares in the Bible.
2. Meditate On Scriptures: I repeat scriptures on YouTube. You can listen to a recording with scriptures and write your thoughts and feeling as you receive divine revelation. In God’s timing, He will bring scriptures to remembrance and give you deeper understanding and revelation.
3. Pay Attention to Dreams: What do dreams mean? 5 Tips to Interpret Dreams From God!
4. Journal: write your thoughts and feelings about scripture. Usually, God will inspire your thoughts and understanding of the scripture as you write.
5. Pray Fervently: Pray according to God’s desire and He will talk to you more about his plans to transform the world.
6. Purify your heart: if you have emotional baggage or pride it will cloud your judgment and cause you to filter God’s voice through pain, pride, and impure motives.
7. Wise counsel: Listening to the advice and scriptural knowledge of wise counsel can help you hear God’s will for your life. Wise counsel is prophetic because there is rivers of living water coming through your elders mouth that can quench your thirst for answers. You can speak to me for 20 minutes and I’ll help you begin your journey quickly!
8. Be Patient: You can’t make God speak to you in the way that you want him to. But, you can ask him to and wait patiently.
Gods Voice vs Satan’s Voice
The Bible says the devil lies, kills, steals, destroys, and imitates God. Understanding the carnality of the enemies’ motives will help you understand and distinguish God’s voice from the enemy.
God’s Voice | Satan’s Voice |
Related Article: Satan is the Father of Lies!
How To Discern The Voice Of God
Reading scriptures on hearing God’s voice is key to understanding God and what He is trying to communicate. Hearing from God isn’t to soothe your ego, make you feel important, nor give you something to brag about. No, communicating with God is a process of him sanctifying you and learning to love him so much more. Once he’s taught you true love and healing, then he can release you (like the disciples) to bring others into sanctification and repentance.
1. Receive the Mind of Christ
God communicates with people that have not yet accepted him. The purpose is to bring them closer to accepting Jesus as their Lord and Savior. However, I believe salvation is necessary to enter into deeper intimacy and greater clarity in hearing God’s voice. Accepting Jesus Christ as your savior means you receive God’s Holy Spirit inside of you. Jesus said, “Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them.” John 14:23
God reveals [His wisdom] to us by the Holy Spirit. We are not able to understand the thoughts or ways of God with our human logic. We need God’s wisdom to understand God’s wisdom.
The Bible states, “The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God. For who among men knows the thoughts of man except his own spirit within him? So too, no one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God. We have not received the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we may understand what God has freely given us.
The natural man does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God. For they are foolishness to him, and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually discerned. The spiritual man judges all things, but he himself is not subject to anyone’s judgment. “For who has known the mind of the Lord, so as to instruct Him?” But we have the mind of Christ. – 1 Corinthian 2:10-16
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2. The Bible Is The Foundation
God won’t tell you something that contradicts his character or the Bible (His Word). God’s goals for humanity and the earth is constant and NEVER changes. God is the same in the Old Testament and the New Testament. “For I the Lord do not change. God is not man, that he should lie, or a son of man, that he should change his mind.”- Malachi 3:6 & Numbers 23:19
In the Old Testament, God just wanted humanity to stop sinning, killing, raping, murdering, stealing, etc. And that’s what He wants now too. The entire Bible is a love story where God wants to bring humanity back into relationship with himself. God wants a healthy family, that he can speak to clearly, just as it was in the garden of Eden.
God is focused on taking humanity and cleaning us up from sin and negative emotions. He wants to wash us in the Blood of Christ. He wants to be close to us, which would be similar to His relationship with Jesus. He wants his children to be pure and represent him well on the earth. He wants us to understand him and portray his character properly on this earth. And He wants to partner with us to help others get cleaned up too.
God loves us so much that he helps us avoid temptations. I’ve had dreams where God warned me before I engaged with sexual sin. This type of warning is supported in scripture, God warned Cain about the root of hatred in his heart that would cause him to sin. Yet, Cain refused to purify His heart and continued on he path which led him to murder his brother.
Ultimately, God is not an angry, unfair, racist, narcissistic, impatient, distant, slow to act, and cold punisher. You will accept this false understanding of a horrific God if you do not know God’s character. If you are unaware of God’s Character then it leaves room to interpret the Bible, dreams, vision, etc. with a tainted view of God. God is constantly working all things out so ALL His children enter into love, purity, righteousness, forgiveness, and intimacy.
God Is a GOOD father that loves his children and wants the best for them. But, He is not a GENIE that just grants us whatever wish we want and when we want it.
- “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.” James 1:17
- “As a father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion on those who fear him.” – Psalms 103:13
- “My son, do not despise the Lord’s discipline, and do not resent his rebuke, because the Lord disciplines those he loves, as a father the son he delights in.” – Proverbs 3:11-12
- “A fool spurns a parent’s discipline, but whoever heeds correction shows prudence.” – Proverbs 15:5
- God’s thoughts are wisdom that comes from heaven [which] is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. – James 3:17
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3. The PURE in Heart Will Hear God
The Holy Spirit will help us discern God’s voice in every situation. “When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth, for he will not speak on his own authority, but whatever he hears he will speak, and he will declare to you the things that are to come.” John 16:13
But we often stop the Holy Spirit from leading us into truth, sometimes unknowingly, when we have an impure heart, emotional baggage, and pride. We must submit our hearts to be healed from bitterness, insecurities, envy, rage, entitlement, selflessness, self-pity, jealousy, competition, manipulation, gossip, shame, and carnality. And don’t let pride allow you to think your heart is clean. Ask God to search you for unseen impurities: “All the ways of a man are pure in his own eyes, but the Lord weighs the spirit.” Proverbs 16:2
We should take very careful steps to maintain an holy atmosphere in our lives and bodies, just like the priests in the Old Testament did within the tabernacle (temple of the Lord). “Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.” 1 Corinthians 6:19-20
Related Post: Purify Your Heart Today With The Heart Detox
If we are not cleansed our prayers and thoughts will align with how the world does things. The world can do things that seems “nice” or “kind,” but it may not be “pure” in God’s eyes. Having the mind of the world prevents us from hearing God clearly because we are likely to twist what he said which causes us to do what we THINK is right. “Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, love for the Father is not in them.” 1 John 2:15
The story of Paul murdering Christians demonstrates how a righteous person can think they’re doing something for God, but they’re blinded by their own pride. Or how some focus more on changing politics and law rather than actually doing something to win souls for Christ. Once again, we need the Holy Spirit to show us the truth because human knowledge will lead us astray.
When we approach God with a pure heart we can be confident we are hearing him when he speaks. Pure motives means we are willing to drop the things we “want” or “think is right” to pick up what He “wants” and His “truth”. Also, It’s a little easier to drop what we want and think if we truly believe that God is good and he works everything out for our good. The things we want may “seem” like a good option, but God knows if our desires or path will bring us harm. He has a perfect plan to prosper us and lead us away from harm.
What you think is perfect is not His perfect. When you pray for something “good” sometimes he has some “Greater“! Have you ever wanted something badly and didn’t receive it? Or, you didn’t receive it when you wanted it? We all have. But, I can say when I did receive it.. It was way better timing. Or, If I didn’t receive it… I realized that it was not good for me.
Purifying your heart is a lifestyle. Everyday the world throws something at you which can cause corruption in your heart. Be quick to pray and repent each day. Ask God for his help to stay pure. Follow the advice in the Bible. Per the Bible: “How can a young man keep his way pure? By guarding it according to your word.” “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.” Matthew 5:8 & Psalms 119:9
Related Article: How To Listen To God’s Warnings
4. The Word & Outside Confirmations
If you have gone through #1-3 of the secrets to discerning God’s voice then it’s time for the final one: Confirmations. Confirmations are proof sent by God to affirm you that God is actually speaking with you.
Write down every confirmation that you get. Write down your dreams, prophetic words, and experiences hearing God. Give God time to tell you what they mean. Looking back, dreams and prophetic words will make more sense. It’s easy to make revelation mean what WE want them to mean but that’s dangerous territory.
Be careful, just because you got a prophetic word about a situation doesn’t mean that you are understanding it correctly. Write down everything God is telling you because it will eventually make sense. Even though we often misunderstand what God is saying… that doesn’t mean we aren’t HEARING God. “For we know in part, and we prophesy in part.” 1 Corinthians 13:9
Misinterpreted Confirmations
I have misinterpreted confirmations about jobs. I’ve had dreams about me being somewhere I applied and assumed God was giving me the job. In hindsight, I realized that the dream was showing me the job had an unhealthy atmosphere. Looking back, I realized He was GOOD enough to keep me from a horrible job situation. However, at the time I was mad at God because I felt he didn’t care about me because he didn’t give me what I WANTED.
Hearing NO, wait, or that you’re wrong about a prophetic word shouldn’t break your relationship with God. If he is GOOD then anything he withholds from us, we know Is NOT good for US and the perfect plan he has for our lives. We should not be attached to what we WANT.
Why God Speaks
Is he my husband? Is she my wife? Should I break up with them? God does reveal our spouses and God does reveal the intentions of man. But, many people I’ve spoke with are misinterpreting what God is saying. Just because God is speaking to you about someone you love doesn’t mean they are your future spouse. Sometimes, God wants to talk about why that person is causing you pain, your fear of being single, your unhealthy attachment to the person, etc. Try not to jump to conclusion. This is why wise counsel is necessary to explore confirmations with.
When our heart posture is unhealthy we latch onto misinterpreted words. We can’t let go. Then, we get consumed with the person, what we want, or being right. The truth is, if It’s God you should be able to let go, not fall apart, and refrain from manipulative tactics to get your way. If you can’t let go and be okay emotionally… There is A HIGH likelihood that you are misinterpreting God’s intent.
Are you having dreams or prophetic words about something? If you can’t let Go and trust God… You won’t allow God to speak freely without jumping to conclusions. And you won’t allow Goe the freedom to direct you and heal you as needed. Could you be misinterpreting God’s voice because you are hearing him through pain? The truth is, God wants to speak with you about EVERYTHING because he cares… not because it’s yours or it will happen. Once again, we should be so committed to God’s Will that we are willing to drop what we want. It isn’t EASY to drop it, but we should be willing. Dropping the desire to be right or get what you want keeps our hearts pure and open to God’s best.
A True Word From God
If it is TRULY a word from GOD he will confirm it beyond just you. He will confirm it A LOT of times without you telling him what the confirmation should be. You won’t have to convince yourself or others that it’s a word from God. In my experience, he will send people to remind you EVERY step of the way. He will give you EVERYTHING you need during your times of doubt to PROP you up.
When you are truly hearing God, the journey will bring spiritual and emotional fruit. God will strip away pride, entitlement, selfishness, and self-righteousness during your wait. Your faith will get stronger and you will understand God more clearly. You will be able to wait years for anything God tells you and you will be able to hear NO without getting upset. Ultimately, the journey will help you let go of the world and embrace God. You will want only what God wants at the end.
In scripture, God usually sent a prophetic word about a situation when it was going to be a hard situation or a long wait. God is faithful and kind. He wants to give us confirmations that will help us to walk by FAITH and NOT sight. You can read these Bible examples where God confirmed that bible characters were hearing God to encourage you:
- Mary’s Story: Mary could be sure she was giving birth to the Messiah because the Old Testament testified to the coming of Jesus Christ. Also, Mary received word she would have a child from God from an Angel. Then, Elizabeth, Mary’s Cousin, received a word that Mary was pregnant with Jesus. Lastly, Joseph seemed to doubt that Mary was really pregnant for God. Joseph planned to leave her. Mary didn’t have to convince Joseph to stay. When Joseph was about to leave an Angel told him to fear not and that Mary was truly carrying the Messiah.
- Gideon’s Story: God spoke to Gideon and told him to guide the Israelites from the hands of the Midianites. Gideon wanted confirmations as he became fearful and asked God to confirm with his fleece twice, which God did. Then, Gideon was encouraged by a dream from a Midianite of his victory.
Now a days, my prayer is for God to confirm things in a way that I can’t manipulate. I also pray for confirmation to come from someone that knows nothing about the situation. In addition, I ask God to give me confirmations that I can’t second guess.
Let’s Summarize
Test 1: Receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.
Test 2: God voice should not contradict God’s character.
Test 3: Your heart has been and continues to be purified. You aren’t focus on what you want, but you want God’s ultimate will to be done. You don’t care what happens because you know God is good and it will turn out good. You aren’t manipulating to get your way. You are okay with No and can wait patiently when he says Wait.
Test 4: Ask God to give multiple confirmations from other people and from undeniable sources. The confirmation shouldn’t be how you want it to be. If you have to twist it to believe it’s real I suggest asking for another one.
Prayer To Discern God’s Voice
Lord, thank you for sending your son to die for my sins and for giving me the Holy Spirit to lead me into righteousness. I pray that you would help me to be more Holy each day. I want to honor you God with my life, words, body, career, thoughts, and love. Please help me to be committed to the work of the Gospel and release my selfish desires for things that only please my flesh. Help me to see your eternal perspective and to be zealous about bringing your lost sheep into your Kingdom. Lastly, I ask to hear your voice and direction in my life Abba. Guide me, teach me, and counsel me O' Lord. And help me to know and discern your will and voice above everything else. I love you. Amen.
How do I know God’s will?
You can be sure you will enter God’s will if you are remaining righteous, pursuing a Godly purpose, seeking wise counsel, and praying. Just do your part and God will intervene if He needs to. God is capable of closing a door and shifting us if we are going the wrong way. “The steps of a man are established by the Lord, when he delights in his way.” Psalm 37:23
Thank you very much! It answers a lot of questions I had.May God continue to bless you.
Wow, thanks so much for letting me know. Your feedback is a blessing 🙂 Xoxo