Am I An Empath? 25 Tips + Test!
Can you feel the emotions of others without them saying anything? Take the empath test to find out!
Are you very sensitive to the needs of others? Can you feel the emotions of others without them saying anything? Take the empath test to find out if you are an empath NOW.
Am I an Empath?
Empaths are special people with gifts that can bless the world. They have the ability to sense the feelings of others and absorb the pain of others. Empaths help carry the emotional baggage of others and can lead them into healing. Often times, the empath is able to provide understanding, support, and the love that an individual has been looking for their whole life. The love of an empath is EXTREMELY rare.
In the spiritual sense, Christian empaths have a STRONG gift of discernment. Jesus was the most powerful empath in the Bible. He perceived the thought of others and shared the emotions of the one’s around him. Ultimately, discernment is a gift that can bring healing to others and draw you closer to God.
How Empaths Cope With Emotions
The hardest lesson that an empath has to learn is — They are NOT responsible for what people feel. The empath is so sensitive to moods, emotions, and the needs of others… They can often feel guilty or be easily manipulated into becoming someone’s source of love. The empath must refrain from codependent relationships where they are in charge of fixing someone else.
On the contrary, there are empaths that use their gifting for selfish gain. They prey on what others feel to manipulate, blame-shift, etc. and have their way. The dark empath must refrain from codependent relationships hurting others, so they don’t have to feel pain.
Empaths and Relationships
Empaths can exhibit both selfish or selfless tendencies. On one hand, they often devote themselves entirely to making others feel better, selflessly giving everything they can. On the other hand, some empaths may resort to absorbing everything around them to shield themselves from feeling their own pain and the pain of others. In both cases, the lack of balance can lead them down unhealthy paths as they try to cope with the overwhelming emotions they experience. It’s important for empaths to strive for balance and healthy coping mechanisms to maintain their well-being while still caring for others.
Tips for Empath Healing
The empath usually dates and marry narcissistic types when they don’t heal. An empath and narcissist marriage is a ticking time bomb. The empath is an incredibly POWERFUL source of love for the narcissist, unmatched by any other except for their connection to God. Therefore, the empath can cause the narcissist to go into withdrawal if they withhold or remove love from them. You can read more in the empath and narcissist attraction here.
Empaths can start healing by addressing their codependency issues and lack of healthy coping skills. Ultimately, it will be healing for empaths to know they have a superpower. Your superpower is to feel and hear the emotions and thoughts of others without them saying a word. Others feel loved and fully accepted in your presence. However, the empath must learn to love themselves the way they care for others.
25 Traits of An Empath
1. I feel how much my words hurts someone as I’m saying them.
2. I can see the emotions of others when I stare in their eyes.
3. I can feel the weight of someone’s pain.
4. I tend to feel guilty when others don’t feel well.
5. I can usually guess what people are thinking.
6. I am overly selfish or selfless.
7. I get overwhelmed by the emotions of others.
8. I have a difficult time figuring out if I picking up someone’s feelings or if the feeling is my own.
Take the empath test with 25+ traits to find out if you are an empath NOW.
10 Triggers for Empaths
Empaths that are not skilled in using their skills will often lack the tools necessary to protect their sensitive hearts. Therefore, many things will trigger the new empath to feel uncontrollable emotions.
- Not spending enough time solo to sort their own thoughts from others
- Associating with selfish individuals that never considers the Empath’s feelings
- Trying to soothe someone else’s pain when then the empath is in pain themselves
- Not being sure if you caused the problem or added to it
- Causing pain to others and not being able to protect others
- Feeling guilty for allowing someone else to process their pain on their own
- Drawing boundaries with people that don’t respect you
- Being in codependent relationships where the Empath is responsible for the other person’s emotions
- You understand why the other person hurt you, so you get confused about distancing yourself
- People questioning whether you are being suspicious and making up what’s in the atmosphere
Types of Empaths
There are multiple types of empaths. As a Christian, I focus solely on empaths that are able to feel and discern emotions in the atmosphere. People with strong discernment can detect God’s spirit in the atmosphere as well.
Intuitive empaths can feel and see things that others cannot. The intuitive person relies on their feeling, hearing, and knowing to understand the world around them. To others, the intuitive empath can seem overly emotional or suspicious. However, the intuitive empath has a talent of detecting emotions without anyone even having to say a word.
Spiritual empaths can feel the gentle wind of the spirit and God’s peaceful presence. However, spiritual empaths can also detect when there is chaos and darkness in the atmosphere. They can see it clearly in the shifts of animals, the weather, and the behavioral changes of people. Others, might call this an earth empath when they can feel God through nature and the physical.
Precognitive Empaths get premonitions or notions of what will happen in the future through dreams, visions, or a strong knowing. Sometimes, I can just feel someone’s emotions and know that they will end up doing something they regret. I know this because their emotions are so heightened and when humans don’t heal, their emotions cause great havoc.
In certain instances, I have dreams that express what the person feels or what they will do. Precognitive or dream empaths tend to receive messages to guide others into peace and God’s light.
Jesus is The Ultimate Empath in the Bible
Jesus had the strongest empathic gifting, besides God, in the Bible. Jesus was often seen discerning thoughts/actions and sympathizing with others. He had foreknowledge that came from God. He walked by faith and not by sight. Therefore, he lived based on what He felt from God and within the atmosphere.
Examples of Jesus being an empath in the Bible with scripture verses:
Speaking to the Pharisees: “But when Jesus perceived their thoughts, he answering said unto them, What reason ye in your hearts? Whether is easier, to say, Thy sins be forgiven thee; or to say, Rise up and walk?” Luke 5:22-23 KJV
When Lazarus Dies: When Jesus saw her weeping, and the Jews who had come with her also weeping, He was deeply moved in spirit and troubled. “Where have you put him? He asked. “Come and see, Lord,” they answered. Jesus wept. John 11 33-35
Feeding the Multitude: After the people saw the sign Jesus performed, they began to say, “Surely this is the Prophet who is to come into the world.” Jesus, knowing that they intended to come and make him king by force, withdrew again to a mountain by himself. John 6:14-15
The Last Supper: “Truly I tell you,” Jesus answered, “this very night, before the rooster crows, you will disown me three times.” But Peter declared, “Even if I have to die with you, I will never disown you.” And all the other disciples said the same. Matthew 26:34-35
Woman by the Well: Jesus had a foreknowing that the woman had multiple husbands. He told her, “Go, call your husband and come back.” “I have no husband,” she replied. Jesus said to her, “You are right when you say you have no husband. The fact is, you have had five husbands, and the man you now have is not your husband. What you have just said is quite true.” John 4:16-18
Read More: 6 Signs Jesus Was An Empath
Brilliant and biblical, love it. Thank you I’m more of an extreme empath with all the signs you lay out in this website but at an extremely higher level more than standard empaths.
Which of course can be emotionally painful.
Yes I am a born again Christian and a pastor to.
Thank you, god bless you for your work in the Lord..
Thanks for your beautiful comment and for sharing reverent! I’m praying that God would help you steward your gifting. It’s necessary and powerful! Blessings!