57 Action Affirmation for Alpha Females!
Use these action affirmations as Alpha female empowerment to boost your self-love. An alpha woman is strong but she needs motivation to keep CONQUERING!
Alpha women are not these rough women who are not in touch with their feminine qualities, that’s a MYTH.
What are alpha woman traits? Alpha women are tough, independent, and pioneering woman. But, true alpha women use feminine qualities as an additional bonus to soften the edges of their masculine traits. They have the feminine and masculine energy needed to make it in an ego-driven world.
Do you face the same challenges as the alpha woman? Take this I am Alpha Woman Quiz to test your level of apha-ness. Then you’ll learn to embrace yourself!
If you are an Alpha woman: You love to find your own path and pave your own way. You love to do your own thing, If it doesn’t hurt anyone or break a law. Women like you take your leadership qualities serious. And, it’s obvious that you have great strength and show great humility by holding back.
Maybe the people around you can’t handle the full release of your energy? Alpha women often lower their intensity to make others feel comfortable. Amazing women like you are kind and stern when necessary. You are the perfect balance of feminine and masculine energy. The balance helps you to kill it (nail it) when interacting with both men and female.
I talk about my process here: 4 Keys To Embrace Your Feminine Power! If you want, I can help you find the tender balance between your femininity and masculinity when you sign up for your First 20 Minutes Free: 1:1 Empowerment Coaching!
Alpha women action affirmations are GREAT for encouraging you and pushing you to harness your energy. You can use these as daily affirmations to jump start your day as well!
57 Action Affirmations for Alpha Women:
Use these powerful daily action affirmations to aide you on the journey to achieving goals. All words were written by me and help me to keep going. This action affirmation list will train your brain to think positively and have a growth mindset. Alpha woman, the world is ready for you to… SOAR!
1. I am not afraid to go against popular opinions.
2. I will create my own opportunities when I don’t see any.
3. Today, I will change the world with my love, patience, and kindness.
4. I don’t believe in the word “impossible.”
5. I am strong, but I will allow others to love me.
6. I will make healthy to-do lists. I can finish harder list, but that doesn’t make it a realistic/healthy workload.
7. I will accept that I attract attention for the amazing work that I do.
8. I will accomplish everything I set out to do, today.
Related Article: 75 Action Affirmations For Daily Emotional Release !
9. I am not an imposter. I am really am that amazing.
10. I was created to be ambitious and highly motivated.
11. I will not date men or stay friends with people that want to compete with me.
12. I will not be ashamed because I’m intense and focused.
13. I am not responsible for what others feel and I will not bog myself down with that responsibility.
14. I will not pretend to be a follower because I was born to lead. Even though I can submit when needed.
15. I am a trailblazer and I will find a road to light up today.
16. I will not judge people that are not created to be leaders.
17. I will listen to advice, so that I can avoid repeating the mistake of others.
18. Today, I will change the course of someones’ day with kindness.
19. After today, I’m one step closer to my goals.
20. Today, I will take ownership of the fact that I was created to lead others into victory.
21. I am the change I want to see.
22. I will release the greatness within me.
23. I will accept that God has created me to bring something to the world.
24. I won’t pretend to be something, so that other people can get false self-esteem and security.
Related Article: 4 Keys To Embrace Your Feminine Power!
25. I am a force of nature and I can move any obstacle out of my way.
26. I will not be overwhelmed because I am multi-talented.
27. I will not let anyone tell me that “I CAN’T”!
28. Today, I will solve issues rather than complain about them.
29. I am not aggressive because I don’t pretend to agree with people. I have my own brain.
30. I will not fear, stop me from going after what I want.
31. I will take healthy risks that will get me closer to my goals.
32. I will stop questioning my greatness.
33. I will do something challenging today, so that I can honor my wild side.
34. I will think outside of the box that people create and come up with my own methods.
35. I have the ability to inspire someone today.
36. I don’t have time for games and hurting other people. I’m setting a trend of respect in the word.
37. I will date men that bring love and support into my life.
38. Today, I accept that I make great choices and I’m not in my situation because of others… But, because it’s best for me.
39. Today, I will stop and celebrate all of my wins.
Related Quiz: I Am an Alpha Woman Test!
40. I am a boss and nothing can stop me from making progress today.
41. Today, I will not sell myself short. I am filled with amazing ideas and strategies to help others get to the next level.
42. I won’t pay any attention to my haters and criticizers because they are projecting their own insecurity on me.
43. I will be myself (kindly) and allow the fake friends to scatter.
44. I am just as feminine, even though I’m able to mingle with alpha men and hold my own.
45. Today, I will accept that my femininity is powerful and an asset in every situation.
46. I will continue to release what is within me, because the world is waiting for what I have.
47. I am the type of woman that matches with a great man and becomes a power couple.
48. I am tough, but I’m not mean.
49. I am the perfect balance of feminine and masculine energy.
50. Today, I will continue to do everything in my usual amount of excellence!
Related Article: 43 Affirmations For Self Love & Journal Prompts
51. I will define what success is for me. I will not let the world tell me what success is.
52. Everyday, I’m growth minded and will not stay in the same problems or same place.
53. I am content with family, friends, and living comfortably. Everything else that I do is a bonus, not necessary.
54. I have the mindset need for getting things done.
55. I will give myself time to recharge and re-align myself with my vision if I’m tired or unfocused.
56. I will not compete with another woman for anything. What’s mine is mine.
57. Alpha women are content. I don’t need a man to complete us. Love is nice, but it’s a bonus.
You were born for greatness. Alpha women, please don’t let anyone take your sparkle. And don’t let them falsely define who you are. You are spectacular, even while you’re growing! Keep shining shine brightly, the world needs you.
I really, really love these affirmations
Thank you🥺❤️
Wow! What a blessing to hear! I pray blessings over you!