5 Tips On How I Overcame Sexual Sin!
This went on for months and I always wanted to have sex, it was like a demon was inside of me.
This is an anonymous testimony from an Adorned Heart subscriber. You can send me your story here for publication.
I am a 26 year old single mother. After I separated with my baby’s father 4 years ago I never believed in love anymore. I never wanted to commit myself to any relationship so instead I would just have what you call a sex buddy. I had a lot of them and it was so easy for me to have sex with one guy and another one the next day. Some would give me money and with some it was just for fun.
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This went on for months and I always wanted to have sex, it was like a demon was inside of me. I knew it was wrong but I couldn’t stop it anymore, it even came to a point where I started targeting married man. This was one sin that was controlling me in a worst way, I didn’t know who I was anymore and I couldn’t pray about it because I felt like God will never listen to such a dirty person like me.
I would cry myself to sleep everyday because I would look at some couples out there who truly loved each other and I would say to myself I wish I could have that. But how, I was already so broken, empty and the love that I once had was gone. One night I looked at my daughter sleeping and I asked how I would feel if she turned out to be like me.
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For the first time in years I prayed, I didn’t know where to start, I just cried out to God to help me change my ways and be his child again. I asked him to help me believe in love again and he did. I started this year with a man who loves me for who I am. My relationship with God is much stronger than ever and he really forgives, he gave me peace that I never knew existed, his love is amazing. Sexual immorality can control a person and most times it can lead to death but I was lucky.
You can also be free from sexual sins in your life. God’s grace is enough for all of us, stay blessed.
How To Overcome Sexual Sin
Here are five things I did during this time to help me after I made the prayer:
I. Pray More- being faithful to your relationship with God helps a lot. Have time for him every day.
2. Read your bible.
3. Find something to do..have a journal, read novels, work out.
4. Be around positive people.
5. Listen to your instinct, with God by your side he will always guide you.
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