4 Tips to Let Your Light Shine & Brighten Up This Dark World!
You are a woman that refuse to give the world what it deserves – evil for evil. The world needs women like you that fight to be kind and considerate, despite the pain!
I had a dream that, as I realized my identity in Christ, I became like a star in the sky. The star was big and beautiful. As I glowed in the dark, people were able to follow it and find God. I realized that this is our calling as Christians: to shine brightly before others so they can find their way home—to God.
Matthew 5:16 reminds us that children of God should “let your light shine bright” and bring love, patience, peace, mercy, signs, miracles, and wonders to the world. These verses encourage us to mimic Jesus and help make the world a better place: “Here’s another way to put it: You’re here to be light, bringing out the God-colors in the world. God is not a secret to be kept. We’re going public with this, as public as a city on a hill. If I make you light-bearers, you don’t think I’m going to hide you under a bucket, do you? I’m putting you on a light stand. Now that I’ve put you there on a hilltop, on a light stand—shine! Keep open house; be generous with your lives. By opening up to others, you’ll prompt people to open up with God, this generous Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:14-16 (Message Translation)
If you’re like me, you have learned the hard way that this world can be a scary and dark place. Sometimes: People are mean. Selfish. Abusive. Fake. Hard to figure out. Ignorant and insensitive to the pain of others. Deeply flawed.
But, you know what is even more scary? We can become apart of this list of imperfect people if we are not careful. Without proper care, we are capable of inflicting the same pain we experience upon the people around us. *Sigh* My thoughts at this moment are probably similar to yours, “I don’t want to continue the cycle of pain in the world. I want to be a solution. I want to help end the pain.“
You and I see the deep pain in the world, and we don’t like it!
Women like you and I realize that while we are present on earth, we have to make a change. After complaining and nursing our wounds, we must accept our true job titles as world changers! World changers are women who allow the light inside them to shine bright and remove the darkness in the world!
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The truth is, if you care to make this world a better place, it starts with YOU. Yes, YOU!
So, it’s time to adorn your heart. Adorning your heart means going through a process of making your heart pure, healed, and beautiful.
- Positive Role Models: Allowing your heart to be the opposite of all the evil that the world possesses shows others that they are capable of being a good person and receiving the same healing as you.
- Be The Hands & Heart of God. Being your awesome, healed self reminds others that there are GOOD people in the world! That they don’t have to shut everyone out. Your presence will also remind people that they are worthy of love and they have a nonjudgemental friend to walk with them through their healing process.
I strongly believe that if we ‘let our hearts shine we can brighten up this dark world!’
Dream with me for a second. Imagine: An army of empowered women with beautiful (adorned) hearts, littering the world like stars in the sky. Each woman, bringing the beauty within her which allows a light to shine into the darkest corners of humanity.
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I see children being healed. Husbands coming back to life. The women that you are in contact with will bring this healing to their children and husband. The cycle will continue. The potential for spreading love and the healing of God is endless!
So, take the time to beautify your heart and fill it with kindness, humility, love, patience, selflessness, etc. The world needs people like you. People who are willing to fight the pain and embrace healing.
You are a woman that refuses to give the world what it deserves – evil for evil. The world needs women like you that fight to be kind and considerate, despite the pain!
4 Steps To Let Your Light Shine your Light Shine Bright before Men:
*Click the pink topics to learn more about each topic!*
1. Start A Relationship With God –
Starting a relationship with God means giving your life to Jesus Christ. The Bible says that those who walk with Jesus will be given NEW vision. This vision will help them navigate the evil in the world. It will help you to avoid EVIL and stay PURE. Jesus said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” – John 8:12
2. Let God Love You:
Allowing God to love you is a part of having a relationship with him. He wants to heal you and make your life better. He gives guidelines in the Bible to help us live a good life. For instance, he says love forgives because he knows how un-forgiveness can damage you and your relationships. Every advice or command given from God is from love. He knows if you take advice opposite of the Bible it will invite problems in your life.
We are not able to navigate this dark world without God’s healing. If we are corrupted by the pain in the world… We will bring darkness as well. God’s healing will give you vision to ensure you are doing good things and not bringing more harm to humanity. “Your eye is the lamp of your body. When your eyes are healthy, your whole body also is full of light. But when they are unhealthy, your body also is full of darkness. See to it, then, that the light within you is not darkness.” – Luke 11:34-35
3. Learn To Love Yourself
When we start a relationship with God and let him love us, we start to love ourselves. We are able to see ourselves clearly.
Remember: Your beauty should not come from outward adornment such as braided hair or gold jewelry or fine clothes, but from the inner disposition of your heart, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is precious in God’s sight. For this is how the holy women of the past adorned themselves. — 1 Peter 3:3-5
4. Learn To Love Others
Relationships with others are suppose to be fun and amazing! However due to internal struggles people don’t know how to deal with their own pain and the pain of others. As we learn to love ourselves we can learn to have relationships with others in a healthy way.
Let your heart so shine so bright that Heaven sees it and smiles! Fulfill the calling of the let your light shine bible verses that says the word is the lamp to our feet and help us bring light to others!
I love how thought-provoking this article is! “I don’t want to continue the cycle of pain in the world. I want to be a solution. I want to help end the pain” is such a great thought and exactly what I think about what’s going on in the world! When we all turn to God, we really do see the positive impacts in our lives. Thank you for sharing!